Join your St. John's Church family to engage with one another in fellowship and spend time in God's word
Engage opportunities
Engage opportunities
Join your St. John's Church family to engage with one another in fellowship and spend time in God's word
Jan 25: Frozen Chosen 5k
Join us on Saturday, January 25 starting at 10:00 AM for our annual run/walk event. We will be raising money for Family Promise and our St. John's youth programs.
You can register to participate at
Jan 30: Seniors' Day Trip
Join the seniors of St. John's for a day trip to the Buffalo History Museum. Meet in the parking lot at 930 am for a day of fellowship and learn more about the people, places and stories that make Western New York's history extraordinary.
Feb 2: Voters' Meeting
Our annual voters' meeting will happen on February 2nd following the 11 am service. All members are encouraged to attend to review and approve the 2025 budget and election of Church leaders.
Feb 2: "Soup"erBowl
Love soup? You will love our "soup"erbowl event. Join us on February 2nd at 1230pm for unlimited soup. Adults are $10, Kids 6-12 are $5 and Kids 5 and under are free. All proceeds benefit Roswell.
Interested in bringing a soup? Sign up here.
recurring Engage Opportunities
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Wed Nights @ St. John's
Join us weekly for meal time at 545 pm and small group disclipleship/fellowship opportunities from 630-730 pm for children, youth, women and men.
Provided meals with free will donation on January 8th and 22nd. Potlucks on January 15th and 29th. Sign up for provided meals here to help us plan for headcount.
Saturday Morning Men's Group
Join us weekly at 7 am to spend time in God's word and in the fellowship of other St John's men. Email Brian Ames for more information.
Women's Discipleship Group
We will meet on January 5th at 11:00 AM downstairs in Fellowship Hall. We will be starting a new study on the book of James on January 5 using the book “Growing in the Christian Life- A guide to James”. If you are interested contact Diane Hagelin. She has books available for you. We will discuss the first chapter on January 5.
Tuesday Night Men's Group
We meet at 7:00 PM on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Anyone who is interested in joining the group is more than welcome! Questions? Please feel free to contact Nate Clinard
Gospel Moms
Are you a mother with young kids looking for a way to stay connected in God's word and spend time with other moms? Bring your little ones and join us at 10:00 - 11:00 AM on January 16th. Together, we will reflect on the joyful and challenging ways of motherhood through the lens of the gospel. Need more information or have questions? Email Brenna Ames or Vicki Koglmeier